One of the major investments that you’ll need to make if you’re looking to get into simracing as a hobby is purchasing a steering wheel. There are various types of steering wheels available, and picking the best one isn’t as easy as you might think! This article will give you all the information you need to know when it comes to purchasing the perfect direct drive steering wheel!
Why Direct Drive is Beneficial
One of the great things about direct drive steering wheels is that they provide a much more realistic driving experience. This is because they are directly connected to the game’s physics engine, which means that they can provide force feedback that is far more accurate than what you would get with a belt-driven wheel. Additionally, direct drive wheels tend to be much smoother and quieter than their belt-driven counterparts.

How To Get Your First Direct Drive Wheel
If you’re looking to get into simracing, you’re going to need a steering wheel. And if you want the best possible experience, you’re going to want a direct drive wheel. Here’s everything you need to know about getting your first direct drive wheel.
There are different brands that are making pretty good products, for simracing to professional use.
And there is some pretty good Chinese direct drive wheel called Simmagic that is a new entry and is amazingly good.
Then we have Fanatec with its new DD CSL, or the podium, and the Simcube another great product.

Things To Consider When Looking For A Wheel
When it comes to simracing, there are a few things you need to consider when looking for a steering wheel. First and foremost, you need to make sure that the wheel is compatible with your simulator. Second, you need to decide what kind of feedback you want from the wheel. Third, you need to think about how much money you’re willing to spend on a wheel. Fourth, you need to decide what kind of features you want from a wheel.
My Personal Experience With A DD Wheel
I have been simracing for a little over a year now. I started out with a Logitech G25 wheel and pedals, and they served me well for a while. But I always felt like I was missing something, that I could be going faster and driving better. Then I went for the beautiful Fanatec belt driven CSL 2.5, was so smooth, the best non-direct drive wheel I’ve ever had! But after that, I decided to upgrade to a direct drive wheel. And man, what a difference it made!