Sim-racing peripherals as a whole have always been a very hit and miss novelty for players. You can have absolutely revolutionary peripherals such as the Eye-Toy camera within the sixth generation of gaming, practically paving the way for motion-controlled platforms. Then equally, you get absolutely ridiculous and mindless peripherals like the Resident Evil chainsaw controller that makes playing any game ludicrously difficult and inaccessible.
What we are saying is that peripherals can be inconsistent. Though, one area where there has always been a demand for high-quality peripherals has been within the sim racing game and racing simulation community. These players and racing aficionados have always sought after these alternative control schemes to add to the realism provided through their gaming experience.

Originally, this was for more of a novel and arcade-like experience to their gameplay. However, as technology has advanced and graphics have improved within racing titles, these peripherals allow players to truly feel as though there are really driving these vehicles around their favorite globally renowned circuits.
With this in mind, we thought it would be great to take the time to think about just what makes these peripherals great, what production techniques are used to make sure they are of the finest quality and just how these amazing bits of tech suck us into the action and make transitioning from real-life driving to in-game driving a seamless task. So put on your best driving gloves and come with us for a spin.
Sim Racing Peripherals: Its All In The Detail
When it comes to the design of the wheels (Direct Drive or Belt or gears models), pedals and other aspects of the peripherals. It’s common practice for manufacturing companies to spare no expense to make these feel as authentic as possible. Many companies do this with features such as genuine leather wheels allow for a more classy design akin to luxury car interiors, customizable button bindings that look incredibly similar to notches and dials of high end racing vehicles. Or alternatively, genuine metal pedals that further add to the authentic feel of the setup.
The detail doesn’t stop at face value. These peripherals also have built-in hepatic feedback, which for those unaware, adds resistance when pushing pedals and turning the wheel depending on the scenario on screen. This takes G-force, over steer, under steer and gravity into account. Meaning that if you close your eyes you’ll be able to feel the physics of the in-game world in action.

Made With PC Players In Mind
If you’re a PC player, you’ll know that racing games have never had your best interests at heart when making their games. Plus, the keyboard and mouse don’t exactly lend themselves to the racing genre. In the past, racing peripherals would have been seen as a step down from playing with a controller but thanks to the advances in technology, the racing peripherals offer a gateway for PC players to play racing titles with a level of immersion and comfort that they would have never been able to achieve with a KBM set up.
Adds a new level of Challenge
When playing racing games and going round tracks that are completely new to you. It can be shocking how quickly you can adopt the perfect racing line, learn the course perfectly, and be setting records within an hour flat. In reality, even the most elite racers need to practice for hours on end just to become adept at one track. Yet with a basic knowledge of racing game mechanics, you can be a champion in no time. It just feels a little simplistic to us. Though, with gaming peripherals there a lot more considerations to account for.
With the resistance and the measured rotation of wheel you need to consider, the shifting of gears that you need to master through the clutch pedal and the braking that needs to be mastered through the pedals as well. This all culminates to offer a higher level of difficulty to each track. Giving the player an experience akin to a real-life racing driver. This might not be something everyone seeks out in their gaming experience but for those cruising through racing titles with ease, this can add an extra layer of enjoyment.

What Games Support Peripherals Best
So let’s say you’ve gone online and grabbed the perfect peripheral for you. You may now be wondering, what games are best to try out my new piece of tech. Well don’t worry, we have you covered. Here is a quick list of racing titles or series that support racing peripherals brilliantly.
- rFactor
- iRacing
- Assetto Corsa
- rFactor 2
- Dirt Rally 2.0
- F1 2019
- Gran Turismo
- Automobilista
So that’s our rundown on why racing peripherals are a fantastic medium for enjoying racing games. What are your favourite racing games at the moment? Are there any racing games you think really benefit from racing peripherals? Which peripherals are you using at the moment or what ones do you have on your radar? Let us know in the comments and as always, thank you for reading.